We clean the water of Latin America, generating well-being
The first company of the group began operation in 1984 derived from concern about the water scarcity that the world faces and in order to improve the ecological, energy and economic situation; offering comprehensive solutions to our clients, generating better use of their resources, thus obtaining greater profitability and less environmental impact. Emerging from there our reason for being: “WE CLEAN THE WATER OF LATIN AMERICA, GENERATING WELL-BEING”.

Our PASSION FOR WATER has led us to develop greater capabilities to meet the needs of our clients through companies specialized in various water processes. Today we are a group of leading companies in the market for industrial water treatment systems, whose main activity is the implementation of water treatment and effluent reuse projects with technologies that we master and operate such as: demineralization, filtration , purification, biological treatment, among others. In addition, we have custom-made chemical treatments, water supply contracts, spare parts, operation and maintenance policies, pumping equipment and fire protection systems.
Para brindar una verdadera especialización en nuestros servicios nos organizamos en divisiones que son Industrias Islas, Hidrobombas, Sintra, Active y Texas Water. Bajo este modelo nace GRUPO ISLAS optimizado nuestra atención con oficinas en México, Colombia, Perú y Estados Unidos, además de constantemente desarrollando proyectos en más países de centro y Sudamérica
Actualmente operamos sectores industriales como la alimenticia, cervecera, refresquera, ingenios azucareros, acerera, petroquímica, minera, construcción, papelera, hotelera, red municipal, residencial, generación de energía, EPC, automotriz, entre otras.

Our Mission

Surrounded by the best people, we solve, through the use of technology, innovation and passion, the needs of our clients in their industrial water cycle

Our Vision

To be the best in the market, to be recognized as the best option for our clients, through sustainable, reliable, innovative and competitive technology and processes.

Our Values

At Grupo Islas we are convinced that people are what make companies, that is why, first of all, hand in hand with the client, who gives us the opportunity to exist and transcend, we focus on taking care of everyone and each one, as the most important part of the organization.

Something that will never change about our organization:

• Customer focus and service capacity at all times.
• Respect for the person and their integrity.
• Looking for the best alternative to solve any situation in simplification.
• Have a high capacity to know how to relate to others.
• Give the best effort in every activity that is always carried out at home to the client and the people.
• The ability to influence and be influenced in the pursuit of always doing the right thing.
• The person's decision has to be oriented towards effectiveness, to determine what is right and do it well.
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